How to add glitter to your makeup look
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphA touch of glitter on your eye shadow or along your cheekbones can add just the right amount of sparkle to your look. It's easy to do it all wrong and end up looking like a unicorn vomited on your face, so read these quick little tips from Glitter Girl and add glitter to your makeup the right way.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphHow to choose the right glitter
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphCraft glitter,may be cheap and sparkly, but please do not put it on your face! Craft glitter has sharp edges that can irritate skin and is coloured with dye, which can rub off on your skin and also leave you with a nasty rash and stained skin. Please avoid craft glitter at all costs.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphCosmetic glitter, on the other hand, is often much finer and has rounded edges, making it much smoother on the skin. It's also made of special non-toxic materials and is safe to wear, and the colour won't leech out onto your skin since it's made with pigment instead of dye.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphBiodegradable Eco Glitter, This is your number one choice. Our favourite glitter is made by us here at Glitter Girl. It's also cruelty-free, comes in a ton of stunning shades, shapes and colours. When you buy from Glitter Girl you know you're getting a high-quality product, which is super important when you're putting it on your face!
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How to apply correctly
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To ensure that it won't flake off into your eyes or onto your clothes, use an adhesive made for the job, especially if you want to create a more obvious look or raised embellishment. Unfortunately water will not be enough to get your glitter to stick. Glitter Girl can help you as we have the absolute best product – Glitter Primer Gel. This product is harvested with the utmost care and it can only be successful when the Unicorns are told fabulously funny jokes by Glitter Girl herself. She has a magical book of Australian Jokes that really gets the Unicorns laughing. It is then spun so the Glitter is extracted and only the clear gel remains.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphHypo allergenic & cruelty free, the Unicorn Glitter Primer Gel is a favourite for the makeup professional, Sparkle Addict & Festival Go-er.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWith an Aloe Vera Gel base, Simply apply to the face and body. Although it is not recommended for use close to the eye area, please always use caution when applying any products or Glitter near this delicate area.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphSimply pop the gel onto the skin from the tube with a makeup brush, then dab the glitter onto the area. You can also mix your glitter with the gel In a small bowl and apply this way as well.
/wp:paragraph wp:list- No Unicorns were harmed in the collection of this product.
Part of correct application is how you actually put the glitter on your face. If you use your hand, it could get really messy and you’ll probably end up with glitter everywhere but where you want it. Use brushes to keep the glitter contained and ending up only where you want it to.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWe also recommend applying glitter before mascara, if you're using it on your lids. The glitter tends to end up on your lashes a bit, so you'll want the chance to dust them off before you apply mascara.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWatch one of my Tutorialsto see how easy it is.
/wp:paragraph wp:epyt/youtube {"shortcode":"[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ60hNL0raY[/embedyt]"} [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ60hNL0raY[/embedyt] /wp:epyt/youtube wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphIf you want add the glitter to your body and give you an all over sparkle, you can mix it with your favourite moisturiser and rub over your arms, legs, shoulders etc.
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Only Add Sparkle to One Area…ummm no!!!
/wp:heading wp:paragraphWe have heard people say “If you apply glitter to your eyes, lips and cheeks, you'll lose the ethereal effect and end up looking overdone.”
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphI totally don’t agree. You can add glitter absolutely anywhere, just be careful when usingit around your eyes.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphAdding glitter to your makeup can give you a beautiful hint of sparkle. Remember to use Eco, Bio cosmetic Glitter Girl glitter, apply with brushes and our Glitter Primer Gel which is specifically made for the job, and keep the rest neutral. Have fun experimenting and don’t forget, You were born to Sparkle!
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph~ What’s your favorite way to wear glitter?
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph~ What’s your very best glitter safety tip?
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph~ Do you have any foolproof ways to get glitter out of carpets? Asking for a friend…..
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphLink to your favourite Social Media outlet
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph /wp:paragraph wp:paragraphJoin our VIP Glitter Girl Facebook Group
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph /wp:paragraph wp:paragraphGG loves you & you were born to sparkle.