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All Star Cheer & Dance is growing at a rapid pace in Australia and we were very honoured to be invited to the Aussie Gold Coaches Conference and the TLC Fashion Parade at the Royal Pines RACV Resort in January.

Aussie Gold flew in some the absolute best cheer Tumble and Dance coaches from around the world to share their knowledge with Cheer Coaches, Cheer Club Athletes and Dance Club Managers.
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/wp:paragraph wp:gallery {"ids":[5592,5594,5598],"columns":2}.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph /wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}Glitter Girl was invited to co-ordinate and design 20 Makeup looks to match the 2019 TLC Spiritwear Club Uniforms. 20 fabulous Cheer Athletes then showed off their amazing looks on the catwalk during the Gala Dinner for all the Cheer Club coaches, trainers and Club Managers.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphIt was just so much fun and we spread glittery happiness all over the event.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"large"}A fabulous favourite of the weekend was the Glitter Girl Zero Dust!
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}The best way to have that extra bit of Sparkle when you hit the competition floor.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}Harvested with the utmost care, Unicorn Glitter is a must to give you and your whole team that inner confidence.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}To apply, have your coach or team member sprinkle the Zero Dust into your hair at the part or to give your ponytail that extra Zing! You can spray it with some hairspray to keep it in place.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center"}Click Below to read more
/wp:paragraph wp:image {"align":"center","id":5257,"linkDestination":"custom"} /wp:image wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}Glitter Girl has a team of professional Makeup Artists to design the perfect Makeup look for your entire club.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}Click here to find out more about our PERSONALISED MAKEUP DESIGN SERVICE for your club.
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/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"medium"}Throughout the weekend at the conference we spoke with many club managers and coaches at our Glitter Girl stand where we had samples of all of the makeup palettes as well as the newly released Trophy Palette with 35 vibrant, highly pigment colours and the long stay liquid lipsticks that were designed by Glitter Girl herself after she accidentally rubbed her lipstick onto her flyers white cheer shoes! eeek! Now no more lipstick marks on Cheer Shoes or Cheer Bows.
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We are proudly an Australian family business driven by the idea’s of our ultimate Glitter Girl.
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}Our business ideal is to “Spread happiness, one speck of glitter at a time”
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}Glitter Girl is the leading Performance, Cheer & Dance Makeup Supplier in Australia.
/wp:heading wp:paragraph {"fontSize":"medium"}We sell Hypo allergenic, cosmetic grade, cruelty free Glitter Makeup, Vegan loose Eco Glitter, Glitter filled Accessories and novelty gift ideas for you and your friends.
/wp:paragraph wp:heading {"level":3}Harvested from our magical stable of thoroughbred Unicorns, with the utmost care.
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}We are available to attend your Cheer Competition with our display and would love to speak with all cheer clubs around Australia.
/wp:heading wp:paragraph {"align":"center"}Contact us via Email on admin@glittergirl.com.au or Phone us on 07 5659 2262
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