/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph {"align":"center","fontSize":"medium"}We are super duper excited to share our cute new packaging with you all and share that it is all 100% recyclable.
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A little update from the Magical Unicorns here at Glitter Girl. As you know we sell Eco Glitter which is made from plants and not plastic, but we also do many things behind the scenes which ensure we leave a very light Unicorn footprint on the environment in our business.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWe design, package & market everything in house. This means we are able to control every waste and recycling aspect of our business every step of the way. By managing our full production process, we have more control over what impact our business has on the environment.
/wp:paragraph wp:gallery {"ids":[7508,7507,7506,7505,7504,7503]}At all possible opportunities we work with products that can be recycled or made from sustainable growth forests.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphOur containers and products are not single use. They are little gifts that are treasured by the unicorns that own them. Glitter tubs can be returned to GGHQ to be sanitised and reused for more sparkly unicorns.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphAll of our packaging is either recycled or recyclable and any rubbish produced by our business is taken to the local recycling centre just over the hill each month. We are committed to reduce/reuse/recycle. We are fortunate to live in the Gold Goast hinterland with the doors of our home made from recycled Aluminium coke cans.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphWe want to you to know that every product developed by Glitter Girl is made, packaged and distributed with the minimal amount of impact on the environment. We care about the future of our world and you can purchase from us knowing that our Unicorns are doing our absolute best to be a company that brings you products that make your soul sparkle, and doesn’t leave a trail of environmental darkness in its wake. ?

Become part of the Glitter Girl Tribe & Tag us in your socials for a Repost. @glittergirl.au
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}Link to your favourite Social Media outlet below:
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}Join our VIP Glitter Girl Facebook Group
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}YouTube
/wp:heading wp:heading {"level":3}GG loves you & you were born to sparkle.
/wp:heading wp:headingAfter pay is Now Available!
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