In 2018 we were asked to be a part of the 1st ever Unicorn Festival here on the beautiful Gold Coast. We were unsure if 10 people would come to the festival or thousands but as a local family business we thought it would be a fun weekend out.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphSo like everything we do here at Glitter Girl we put 1000% effort into our display and our products….we packed all our sparkly goodies and drove them to the Carrara Markets and to our overwhelming surprise, they opened the gates to the indoor arena at 9am and….literally hundreds of people poured in! We had thousands of people come out and come into our Sparkly space to see GG, to be glittered by her and our small team. Some of who had just come to the markets in the morning and popped in to say hello, saw the queue and jumped straight in to help us out. We convinced our little helpers to come back the next day, and thank goodness we did. It was fabulously hectic and crazy but we all loved it.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphWe gained some great exposure amongst the Gold Coast locals and shared our love of Eco glitter and the passion a little girl has for all things eco sparkly. She even took the time to educate people along the way about her eco range of products.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:epyt/youtube {"shortcode":"[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuJQwvMTfCI[/embedyt]"} [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuJQwvMTfCI[/embedyt] /wp:epyt/youtube wp:paragraph {"align":"center"} /wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:headingGlitter Girl at the Unicorn Festival Gold Coast
/wp:heading wp:paragraphThis year we were asked to return and we knew what we were in for. We really wanted to give our followers a fun and fantastic experience and this was in the forefront of our minds. As a business we knew who we were and had developed a very strong ethos behind our brand.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphWhimsical, joyful, happy, and bright, spreading sparkly love. With this in mind, we started working on our ideas almost 7 months prior, holding meetings each week with Glitter Girl reading from her Fluffy Unicorn notebook, sharing all her ideas and compiling and ticking off many lists to ensure we were on schedule for the big event.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphWe developed new products and ordered much bigger volumes to cater to the large crowds, hoping people would again come to the event. The mascot of our business is GG the Unicorn and all of the glitter pots and packaging are now in a teeny tiny Unicorn boxes with the most gorgeous ribbon for ears. Our Glitter Girl Tribe just loves them and hoped we would have the same response from the Carrara crowd.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraph2nd year in and our experience at the Gold Coast Unicorn Festival proved to be extremely successful, as they opened the gates, mountains of people came flooding in, heading straight towards us like an excited and bubbling wave.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphThis year, we were ready, we knew what to expect…right??? Despite all our planning and meetings and list writing....... we ran out of stock once again as we underestimated the extreme love by all ages of the mystical animal that is the Unicorn!
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphWe took the styling of the space up another level from 2018 making sure it flowed well with the large crowds. Waiting times were reduced to less than 10 minutes, as apposed to over an hour in 2018. We especially loved the Pastel Rainbow Ballon Arch made for us by @loveballoons, which became a favourite spot for the recently sparkled unicorns to have a photo with GG. The VIP Skip the Queue tickets sold out and the GG Super Fans enjoyed their one on one time with Glitter Girl. We received so much wonderful feedback from kids, parents, people who knew nothing about the story of Glitter Girl and also from her loyal followers.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphThousands and thousands of people turned up to participate in the festivities that had Unicorn themed attractions, rides, food and products all centred around this colourful creature.
/wp:paragraph wp:paragraphWe had the most magical team of Unicorns helping us this year and the brief from Glitter Girl to each one of them was :make sure everyone has fun and feels super duper special while they are in our little sparkly world. We are there to Spread Happiness one speck of Eco Glitter at a time! And, you know what, I think we absultley nailed it!
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:paragraphThankyou to everyone who came and visited us at the Carrara Markets Unicorn Festival and to all of you that continue to support the dream of a little local Gold Coast #Girlboss Glitter Girl.
/wp:paragraph wp:spacer /wp:spacer wp:heading {"level":3}Glitter Girl at the Unicorn Festival Gold Coast
/wp:heading wp:gallery {"ids":[16611,16610,16609,16608,16607,16606,16605,16604,16603,16602,16601,16600]}Unicorn Festival Glitter Girl Gold Coast
If you want to keep up to date with what’s happening here at GGHQ, follow us at www.instagram.com/glittergirl.au or www.facebook.com/glittergirl.au